Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Aim Solar Collectors

In the United States and throughout the Northern Hemisphere, solar panel and solar collector must be aimed towards the south in order to gather energy and warmth from the sun. You can simply turn the solar panels towards the sun periodically throughout the day, but if you'd like to have your collectors and panels stay in one stationary spot then you'll need to aim and position them properly first.
Because of the curvature of the earth and differences in time zones as well as sunrise and sunset at various periods of the year, the given direction for south in your location may be slightly off. Likewise, "noon" by the clock is not usually the same as solar noon.
To aim your solar collectors properly, you'll need to know what solar noon and true south are for your specific location.
1.Find solar noon for your location and time of year by visiting the Solar Calculator.
2.Choose a vertical edge of a building, or hang a plumb bob outside in a sunny location. At solar noon, look at this vertical object and notice where the shadows are being cast. This shadow at solar noon runs true north and south.
3.Place your solar panels or collectors in a sunny area, facing true south.
4. Calculate the tilt needed for your solar panel or collector. In winter, multiple your latitude by 0.9, then add 29 degrees to that number.
5.Lay your level on the ground or solar surface mount, then adjust until the surface is level. Use your compass to measure the tilt of your solar panels or collectors, then adjust that tilt as needed until it matches the calculation requirement noted above.

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